Mission Statement

The purpose of the Blake Asset Management Group is to foster a welcoming environment for all students looking to expand their knowledge of investing. We aim to give students a firm foundation in investment analysis, portfolio management, and company evaluation. Our mission is to teach Blake students the fundamentals of investing, so when they graduate, they are confident in their abilities to evaluate investments and make decisions with their money to better the world.

What We Do

Blake Asset Management Group (BAMG) offers students an educational opportunity to learn valuable wealth management skills, investment strategies, equity analysis, financial literacy, and other fundamentals of portfolio management. It operates in part to address the absence of financial education at Blake. In order to give students a realistic investment experience, BAMG manages a subsection of Blake’s endowment valued at over $30,000. Club members collectively manage this portfolio. The club is open to all students and requires no investment experience. The school draws from the fund in the same way it does from the endowment (approximately 4% annually) to support the financial aid program. The Blake Asset Management Group meets weekly, every Thursday morning from 8:00-8:40 in Mr. Cady's room. Anyone interested in finance or investing is strongly encouraged to join.

Our Portfolio